Monday, April 21, 2008

Greensburg, Kansas - Greenest city in the US

One year ago, the city of Greensburg in Kansas, USA was destroyed by a tornado. Now the city is famous for a happier reason. It is becoming one of the “greenest” cities in America.

Read all about it—and watch the videos—on today’s Yahoo news. Add this news to your blog if you like. The Resource Portal for Green Roofs

These are the types of green news stories that you can add to or write about in your blogs.


The Fox

PS: Check the favorite student blogs link to make sure I have your blog!!

Thanks to Ms. Molly


Salem Al Mansouri said...

hi my teacher and my friend,

it's an intersting post

i like you to commint on my blog please

this is the link

source said...

Hi Sir,

nice topic and i hope all cities around the word become green and green.

i made a new post, i hope to visit it and to write your feeling.

My regards,
Mohamed Hasan

UAE JeWeL said...

Dear Sir,

Cooperation between the people in that city is the reason of the good looking for the city today ^_^

My regards to you,
Jassem Al Ali

Bader Ali said...

we should take of our environments thanks for the link sir

Bo_JasooM said...

Thank you for your blogspot

have a nice time in my blogspot :))

Knowledge is Power said...

It is very big change in Kansas. I have seen its pictures in Google. Very nice.

I can also see Abu Dhabi, trnsition from desert to green land.

Maftoon_ad said...

Nice subject

Cooperation between the people in that city is the reason of the good looking for the city today

With my Rgards,,,

Mohammed Ahmed Al Alawi

27 said...

Hi teacher,

it is nice subject to show there is nothing impossible in this life.

i have a new post about the global warming, i hope to visit my blogspot and write your comments.

My regards
Rasheed Al-Rashdy