Sunday, May 4, 2008

new measures for emirate's carbon footprint


 The sites for the 'carbon footprint' sites in the National are still valid - but here's a more direct
 site:   and
  -    and
  -    and

 They are  all good and about local concerns about the environment and what is beeing done locally to protect the environment.

 CHL 174 for the week 4 - 8 May:  We will see (finally) 'Inconvenient Truth' and do the summary to post on your blogsites. The next 30% of your grade will deal primarily with the content of your blog and its quality and effectiveness. REad about 'AD's carbon footprint and we'll discuss this point on Tuesday


source said...
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source said...

Hi Sir,

thanks for all these sites that i will use it soon and try to gather sufficient information from it for my blog.

My regards,
Mohamed Al-Saeedi