Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sample summary - for Inconvenient Truth

Thursday, May 15, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth: Evaluation (sample)
In the film “An Inconvenient Truth”, presenter Al Gore, a former US presidential candidate, makes a compelling case for global warming as fact, not fiction. On the plus side, he highlights an important issue in ways that both convince and appeal to his audience. Graph after graph with alarming statistics correlating rises in temperature and C02 levels are featured, as are then-now pictures of glaciers. Furthermore, he presents in a serious but humorous manner by, for example, moving up on a machine to illustrate the projected temperature in five decades, and using cartoons throughout. Last, he weaves in sad personal events to make an emotional appeal to viewers, thereby echoing his own repeated pleas to government.However, Gore may not practice all he preaches. To explain further, one chart on US automobile fuel “inefficiency” conveniently starts in 2002, the year Bush assumed presidency. It does not, however, show that fuel efficiency was even less in the years prior to this, when Clinton and Gore, as vice-president, were in charge. Moreover, this man may well lead a less than environmentally friendly life himself, having lived on luxurious Pennsylvania Avenue 8 years and flown all over the world, albeit for a good cause. He's even shown drinking Coca Cola in China and there’s a can on his desk in another shot. Does he often drink this American-manufactured poison? Did he get money to include it in his film? Finally, although the Gore tobacco farm did eventually close, he was actually still campaigning against labeling on cigarette packages a year after his sister's death from lung cancer and, four years later, still wanted to keep the farm (see real politics link).To conclude, good on Gore for raising awareness of an important issue, but a few more “gory”, personal truths would make the man more real, the movie more realistic.

I'll be checking your weblogs to make sure they are up to date... stay ahead on your 174 assignments, plus your 174 vocabulary.

See you in class,

the Fox

1 comment:

Don M.J Corleone said...

Hi Mr. Fox

Ilke this subject becuse it touch a sensitive issue.
Global warmning should be struggled becuase it may effect our generation life.
please check my post about the movie.

My regards
AD godfather